
Statistical modelling, data analysis

R, Markdown, LaTeX, GitHub

Visual design, Infographics


Here you will find my main research interests and projects I’m currently working on!

Pregnancy tests in the wild

In collaboration with Véronique Lesage at Fisheries & Oceans Canada, we are currently investigating pregnancy rates in the St. Lawrence Estuary beluga population. Photo by Karl-Heinz Müller on Unsplash

Trophic mismatches in herbivores

Understanding the extent to which changes in phenology match across trophic levels has been one of my main research areas. I used long term data of individually marked bighorn sheep to explore research questions related to reproductive and vegetation phenologies. Artwork by Impact Media Lab

Responses to global changes

At the core of my research interests are the ecological and evolutionary responses of organisms, in an era of anthropogenic changes. I focus on phenotypic plasticity in phenological, behavioural and ecosphysiological traits.

Postdoctoral research fellow, Fisheries and Oceans Canada


  • Assess pregnancy rates in endangered beluga population based on blubber progesterone concentrations

Postdoctoral research fellow, Université de Sherbrooke


  • Developped capture-mark-recapture model to quantify pup abundance and pre-weaning survival in harbour seal

Lecturer, Université de Sherbrooke


  • Taught behavioural and terrestrial ecosystem ecology courses for biology and non-biology majors, utilizing online course management system and online homework.
  • Increased student engagement by employing problem-based learning.

Graduate Instructor/Research Assistant, Université de Sherbrooke


  • Studied the effects of environmental variability on bighorn sheep maternal traits, using long-term datasets of individually marked animals.
  • Published first-author papers in refereed journals and presented research at national scientific meetings.
  • Taught introductory statistics for graduate students as part as the R Workshop Series by the Quebec Center for Biodiversity Science (QCBS).


  • Université de Sherbrooke - PhD in biology, 2019
  • Université du Québec à Rimouski - MSc in wildlife & habitat management, 2012
  • McGill University - BSc in agric. & env. sciences, 2007